Leadership Coaching

Leading for School Improvement provides leadership coaching to administrators and teacher leaders in schools and offices. Experienced LSI leadership coaches utilize specific instructional and cultural principles to develop effective leaders who can create conditions for “…consistent, transformational and replicable growth” (Bambrick-Santoyo 2018 p. 8). LSI also designs and delivers customized professional learning for leadership coaches who are assigned to coach administrators in schools with multilingual learners.
LSI is currently partnering with the Delaware Department of Education and the University of Delaware to provide equity-focused professional learning for leadership coaches in the Delaware Academy of School Leadership and leadership coaching for administrators and teacher leaders.
Inquire about coaching options for your school or district by completing the form on our Contact Us Page
A Leadership Development Pathway in Equitable EL-Centered School Improvement
Participants in this leadership development pathway will learn how to implement an EL-centered leadership approach to school improvement that consists of the following elements: an equitable schoolwide ELD model; SMART goals in literacy, math, and language and aligned action plans for each goal; collaboration in professional learning communities; and teacher-led professional development.
After completing this 15-hour pathway, participants will be able to:
• Lead transformative change to create a shared vision of an equitable ELD model.
• Create, implement, and monitor an equitable EL-centered school improvement plan.
• Lead to create a culture of teacher-led professional development and school improvement.

Self-paced asynchronous course: CLICK HERE
In-person professional learning for teams: CLICK HERE
(Note: In-person option is customizable and includes access to the LSI internal Google site that contains all electronic templates needed to support this leadership approach.)
In this five-hour session, participants will clarify how the roles of the ESOL teacher and general educator coalesce to create a shared vision for an equitable schoolwide ELD model. In a high EL-enrollment school, a sustained focus on a school’s equitable schoolwide ELD model through the continuous improvement cycle eliminates variance and enhances school improvement efforts. This course is part of the English Learner Portal’s online leadership pathway.
• Define ELD instruction and the role of the EL teacher.
• Envision an equitable schoolwide approach to ELD centered on collaboration between EL teachers and general education teachers.
• Use a gap analysis protocol to create a shared vision of an equitable schoolwide ELD model.
• Explore utilizing EL staffing to create equitable conditions for EL.
• Obtain feedback from staff on the ELD model and use it to support continuous improvement.

Self-paced asynchronous course: CLICK HERE
In-person professional learning for teams: CLICK HERE
(Note: In-person option is customizable and includes access to the LSI internal Google site that contains all electronic templates needed to support this leadership approach.)
Strategic planning with English learners in mind is central to achieving school improvement goals, yet many schools overlook the need for an explicit focus on English language development. In this session, participants will learn how to develop an EL-centered strategic plan to support the implementation of an equitable schoolwide ELD model. This course is part of the English Learner Portal’s online leadership pathway.
• Explore federal, state, and local accountability requirements for Els.
• Understand how to set and monitor formative and summative SMART goals in English Language Proficiency (ELP).
• Create an action plan aligned with the ELP SMART goal.
• Describe the characteristics of PLCs and the foundation for leading grade-level and department PLCs.
• Describe how PLCs implement and monitor grade-level action plans.

Self-paced asynchronous course: CLICK HERE
In-person professional learning for teams: CLICK HERE
(Note: In-person option is customizable and includes access to the LSI internal Google site that contains all electronic templates needed to support this leadership approach.)
The key to achieving school improvement goals is to ensure high-quality, job-embedded professional learning aligned with school improvement priorities. In this session, participants will create a professional development plan aligned with EL-centered SMART goals and aligned action plans. Participants will also learn how to initiate a teacher-led improvement journey by empowering teachers to work in professional development project teams. This course is part of the English Learner Portal’s online leadership pathway.
• Understand the impact of establishing a teacher-led school improvement journey to support schoolwide ELD.
• Develop a PD Plan aligned with SMART goals and aligned action plans.
• Create a project charter to organize teachers into project teams that develop high-quality PD aligned with school improvement priorities.
• Explore a backwards design approach to identifying professional learning outcomes to support SMART goals and action plans.
• Use feedback on professional learning sessions to support continuous improvement efforts.